
June 7, 2013

#DearDaughter Contest (WINNER ANNOUNCED!)

WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT:  Thanks to everyone who participated. Between tweets, emails and comments below, I had more than 200 entries! I put all the names in my trusty Reds mini-helmet and selected a winner:

Congrats to Julie Wetz!

In case you missed the contest details, read below. Even though it's over, that doesn't mean you still can't post your #DearDaughter moments. I'd always love to read them.


For the next few days on Twitter (and on this blog) in honor of the fast approaching Father's Day, I'm hosting a #DearDaughter contest where the winner will receive an autographed copy of OH BOY, YOU'RE HAVING A GIRL. Here's how it works:

Leave a tweet on twitter with the hashtag #DearDaughter telling her something that's important to you as a parent. It can be funny, sweet, sentimental—it's completely up to you. Here are a couple of examples of tweets I've posted:
#DearDaughter I will always protect you. I can't help it. It's my job. [Click to Tweet]

#DearDaughter One of my favorite moments is when we high-five and hug after a Cincinnati Reds win! [Click to Tweet]

#DearDaughter Please don't date anyone with a number in the middle of his name. [Click to Tweet]

#DearDaughter I plan to chaperone your school dances wearing pants that are the same length as your skirts. Keep that in mind when choosing a dress. [Click to Tweet]
All you have to do is participate to be eligible to win. I'll pick one winner completely at random and ship it off to arrive in time for Father's Day. It's that simple.

NOT ON TWITTER? HAVE NO FEAR. You can post your entry in the comments section here or email me your entry at (yes, the email address is for real!).

DON'T HAVE A DAUGHTER? THAT DOESN'T MATTER. This contest is open to everyone, so don't be afraid to join in the fun. You know people who have daughters. What do you think THEY would say to them?  What would you say to a daughter if you had one?

Contest ends at midnight Eastern time on Monday, June 10, 2013 (CONTEST CLOSED). Winner will be announced Tuesday, June 11, 2013, here on this blog.

I'll be posting plenty of #DearDaughter tweets all weekend too, so I hope you join in the fun. Can't wait to read the entries! 

Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl
(A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters)

* Subscribe to The Life of Dad via email or RSS feed!  
* Also, follow me on Twitter @BrianKlems. I promise to occasionally say funny things. 


  1. #deardaughter makes me happy that blue & orange are your color's of choice instead of pink...mostly bc you are actually sons and not daughters ; )

  2. #deardaughter (s) I never get tired of "cuddle bombs", please don't outgrow them!

  3. #deardaughter When you're a teenager, please only follow after my "good" behavior and not the things I did to drive my own mom crazy!

  4. Dear Daughter,

    Remember... if he doesn't treat you like a queen. DUMP HIM!

  5. #deardaughter-

    Just remember that whatever tattoos or piercings you get, I will also get. Keep that in mind, your mom won't look so great with a tramp stamp.

  6. #deardaughter I will love you forever!

  7. #deardaughter I love that I can recite all your favorite books by heart and always look forward to coming home from work to read them again for the hundredth time
    Michelle Barry
