
Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl
(A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters)

"As the father of a daughter, I wish I'd read this very funny book sooner, if only to know that it's OK for a grown man to wear a tutu." Dave Barry

"Somehow, Brian Klems has taken one of the most traumatic situations known to a father—having a daughter—and made it into something so completely hilarious you'll laugh until you've got oxygen deprivation!"

"Required reading for any parent who doesn't know pants from leggings."  
Dan Zevin, Dan Gets a Minivan

"This hilarious book is a must-read for for all dads who have a daughter—I should know, I'm one of them. It's smart, relatable and will keep you from panicking when everything around you turns pink."
Chuck Sambuchino, How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack

"I loved Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl.  As a proud father of three girls, I found myself smiling (and laughing) throughout. Klems delivers more often than a group of sister wives."
John Pfeiffer, author of the bestselling Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad