

About Movember:

In November 2010 I grew a mustache to support Prostate Cancer Research. From November 1-30, I dedicated myself to "grow a mo." All links discussing my progress (and how it affected my life) are posted below, along with a day-by-day photo update. Enjoy.

Movember Posts: 
3. How to Tell Your Boss You're Growing a Mustache
4. Growing a Mustache: The Second Trimester (and How to Create a Mustache Registry)
5. How Growing a Mustache Changed My Life

Day 1: Feeling good, pumped and highly motivated, like the first day of a diet. Ready to conquer the world.

Day 2: Noticed a little fur sprouting above the lip. I can't explain it, but I think it's making me sleepy and nauseous. This must be considered the mustache's first trimester.

Day 3: Starting to have weird cravings. It's hard to explain. Not so much food related, but I suddenly have the strong desire to roundhouse kick something.

Day 4: Fatigue has begun to set in. I've lost 4 lbs. My body seems to be putting all its resources towards the mustache and has no energy left for my wife and kids. Even my face is becoming blurry. Checking the employee handbook to see if "growing a mustache" qualifies me for a paid leave of absence.

Day 5: Fell asleep early last night. Had a dream that I grew triplet mustaches. Woke up in a panic and looked in the mirror to see only one. Sighed in relief. I don't think the world is ready for that much handsomeness on one man.

Day 6: Took the budding mustache out to the Children's Museum today. Learned a valuable lesson: Don't take a budding mustache out to a Children's Museum. You will be mistaken for something you don't want to be mistaken for.

Day 7: One week in. Feeling good. Then eldest daughter says, "Dad, you now have more hair on your lip than you do on your head." that's what it feels like to have your self-esteem kicked in the crotch.

Day 8: The nausea is gone. My energy is coming back. And the ladies keep checking me out. If only I could prove it was because of the mustache and not because I accidentally walked into work with my fly down. I love Mondays.

Day 9: Four words: "Bow chicka wow wow."

Day 10: Said my wife while I was eating breakfast this morning: "I don't know what it is, but you are looking very, very skinny today." Mustache 1, Diet 0.

Day 11: My biceps are starting to grow. I've read that this is a direct result of growing a mustache. You know what else is a direct result of growing a mustache? Being awesome.

Day 12: After 12 days of watching my glorious mustache grow through these pictorials, only one question has crossed my mind: Why has no one been kind enough to alert me to the fact that one of my sideburns is longer than the other?

Day 13: Mustache now ranks third on youngest daughter's favorite things to play with, just after empty boxes and even bigger empty boxes.

Day 14: Took my wife out for date night. She couldn't keep her hands off of me. Mustache finally starting to show signs of magical powers.

Day 15: Halfway through the journey. Feeling stronger, faster and more "drives-Camero-ish." From now on, please call me Magnum.

Day 16: Mustache woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Wouldn't let me smile, but did let me flex in the mirror. Made the mirror smile. Lucky mirror.

Day 17: Now that the mustache is nearly full tilt, I feel like my current wardrobe doesn't suit it. I need suggestions on what complements a mustache. Thoughts?

Day 18: Thanks to these awesome aviator glasses I found to accessorize with the mustache, I have now dialed my handsomeness up to 11.

Day 19: Almost time to give thanks, so I thought I'd practice today. I'm thankful for a glorious mustache that's keeping my upper lip warm, two hilarious kids who give me hugs and one beautiful wife who can't seem to center my head in a picture.

Day 20: Young man, there's no need to feel down. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground. I said, young men ...

Day 21: Looking in the mirror I start to wonder, What's the first type of food that will get stuck in the mustache: Turkey? Stuffing? Pie? Yeah, it's gotta be pie.

Day 22: Got a phone call from the "Bring Back My Name is Earl" campaign manager. He must have seen my sweet 'stache and assumed I was a fan. He was right.

Day 23: What are the odds I've been wearing pants in these photos? Less than you probably think.

Day 24: A coworker called my mustache “boss.” I think that was a compliment.

Day 25: Turkey, Pumpkin Pie and a Mustache--the three staples of Thanksgiving.

Day 26: Recovering from Thanksgiving. Day 21 outlook was correct. It was pie.

Day 27: Recovering from Day 26's re-tasting of the pie.

Day 28: It's not a Might-stache or a Maybe-stache. It's a Must-ache. And I "must" say, my lip is getting really cozy with it.

Day 29: On this penultimate day of mustache growth, I'm reminded of the ancient English Proverb: "A man without a mustache is like a nonalcoholic beer—useless."

Day 30: Reflection Perfection.


  1. Growin' well, fellow Mo Bro!

    Your Day 6 experience is one of the reasons my wife was hesitant about the whole idea (although she was the one who suggested it).

    I was sent your way by a friend of mine. If you get a minute, check out my progress here:

    Have a good one and keep on growin'

  2. "Dialed it up to 11" (ahem) What's the scale?

    You're rocking it, of course.

  3. Maverick, Goose called and wants his glasses back!

  4. Great blog! I especially enjoy the spotlight on Movember. I would be on board with that right now if I didnt have to show my pathetic mustache in public....yet my corporate day job calls. Anyway, great stache and awesome content.
    I just started my own man blog and would love for you to stop by and check it out sometime. Comments are always appreciated and if you are a fan I would love to make it onto your blog roll. I would happily return the favor.
    Thanks and keep up the good work.

  5. I think the mustache suits you. You should definitely keep it... Or a version of it.

  6. Why would any male need a month designated to growing a mustache? They should have had one their entire life.

  7. I'm gonna have to bookmark this page for a down day. When I need a good laugh. Between bow chicka wow wow and the avatar shades and wifey not centering your head lol I can clearly see why you and Chuck are friends. You guys are hilarious!Keep it up. No wonder you have a big following.
